this week has been a dead loss for photos - not because there's been nothing happening, but because i keep forgetting to take my camera. anyhow, i'll have to just tell you what's been going on.
on thursday evening we did our groupies thing and went to the next cashews guerilla gig - this time it was halfway up black mountain. took a picnic and sat watching the sunset, listening to the music. pity i forgot the camera. there was another singer/guitarist too so we had a longer concert and it was dark by the time they sang the final encores.
yesterday we read in the paper that the annual mont sale was on at fyshwick and thought we'd go early to avoid the rush. so did everyone else in canberra - the warehouse was packed! there were some great bargains, with most things half-price or less so the checkout queue was long and the street outside was full of people carrying bundles of clothing and assorted outdoor equipment. decided to replace my 25 year old backpack which has holes in the corners and zippers that don't work with a new one. hope it manages to go around the world as many times as the old one did. it looks pretty strong.

your father got something to keep him warm on tibetan mountains and a shirt impregnated with insect repellant.........

last night martin and angelina came for dinner - he and your father have been meeting for chinese/english conversation sessions. so we talked about china, their families, you, their experiences in january packing cherries over at young. they showed us their photos of the time there - smiling and excited on the first day through to completely exhausted and dying to escape at the end of the month. however they said they'd have to work for 5 or 6 months part time in canberra to make the same money so it was worth doing.
this morning we had breakfast with ksmg and tanya who was up from melbourne, then walked along the street to a house auction which went very slowly. it all looked a bit fixed to us with a last minute bidder pulling up in his ute and taking the price up to $513000. the other bidders dropped out at that point so if he was a plant it didn't work.
next we went over to meet the wagga woodses at anca. it was good to see them - looked at the exhibition and sat in the courtyard and talked. they'd had a whirlwind morning in canberra and had achieved in two and a half hours what most people would take all day to do. they probably fitted in another two days' worth in the afternoon before driving home.
elvio's 40th was next, at knightsbridge penthouse, which we discovered was a bar in braddon, rather than cecil beaton's studio. luckily i didn't wear my afternoon tea frock. lots of people, drinks, food, presents (we ended up getting him a nice bottle of henschkes cab sav and adrian made him a card with one of his paintings from china) and music. it was fun.
tomorrow E&R are coming to consult on place card and menu design over lunch. later in the day the paintings at anca have to be picked up by the purchasers (your father sold six!) and the gallery cleared ready for the next artist whose exhibition opens on wednesday.
after that, who knows?